

Seresto Flea Collar for cats is an excellent preventive solution that helps protect cats from fleas, ticks, and other parasites. It’s effective, efficient, and safe for cats and kittens. However, as with any medication or product, there may be potential side effects associated with it.

Some of the potential side effects that may occur when using the Seresto Flea Collar are skin irritation at the site of application (including redness, scratching and swelling) as well as increased salivation. There have been reports of vomiting in some cases and rare reports of seizures in extreme cases. If your cat experiences any symptoms while wearing the collar which could potentially indicate a side effect from Seresto, it is important to contact your veterinarian and discontinue use immediately.

Additionally, not all cats react positively to this collar and therefore it’s important to monitor your pet for signs of discomfort or adverse reactions such as excessive scratching or lack of activity should you choose to use this product.

Skin irritation.

Skin irritation is one of the main side effects linked to the use of Seresto flea collar for cats. The active ingredients in Seresto, imidacloprid and flumethrin, are embedded into a polymer matrix contained within the plastic flea collar. These ingredients can be absorbed through your cat’s skin and lead to fatigue, rubbed fur and skin irritation. Other symptoms of skin irritation include redness and inflammation near the area where the collar was applied.

It’s important to recognize these potential signs of skin irritation so that you can take action as soon as possible if https://www.seresto-collar.com/product-category/large-dogs/ they occur. You should inspect your cat’s skin regularly to check for any side effects from wearing the Seresto collar. If you notice any signs or symptoms of skin irritations, contact your veterinarian immediately for further advice on how to proceed.


Nausea is a potential side effect from wearing the Seresto flea collar on cats. This is because of an ingredient, imidacloprid, that is used in the flea collar to help prevent and control flea infestations. It can cause nausea with excessive use or if your cat has an allergic reaction to the product.

It’s important to note that this is only a potential side effect and not all cats will experience nausea after using the Seresto flea collar. For those that do experience this side effect, it typically disappears within 48 hours after removing the collar. Additionally, if your cat experiences any severe symptoms such as vomiting or difficulty breathing, you should remove the collar immediately and consult your veterinarian.


One common side effect of Seresto flea collars for cats is vomiting. Vomiting can be caused by the collar irritating your cat’s skin, or to the ingredients in the collar itself. If vomiting occurs as a result of irritation from the flea collar, you may need to switch to a more comfortable option that doesn’t interfere with your cat’s ability to move and groom itself.

Additionally, if you notice your cat vomiting after using a Seresto collar, you may want to talk to your vet about changing collar ingredients, as some cats develop an allergy or intolerance to certain active ingredients found in most flea collars. This can easily be solved by switching to another type of product like an oral medication that doesn’t contain those ingredients.

In the end

It is important to be aware of potential side effects in order to watch for signs of an allergic reaction or other health complication caused by these kinds of flea collars. If your cat has any concerning symptoms after wearing a Seresto flea collar, contact your veterinarian right away.

Author: Ale Gonzalez

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